
十大网赌正规网址官网基金会是十大网赌正规网址官网的慈善机构. 我们的重点是奖学金-改变生活的礼物,帮助学生进入并留在这里, 实现他们上大学的梦想.

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十大网赌正规网址官网基金会 was incorporated in 1984 by the Alamo Community College District as a separately incorporated charitable organization as defined under IRS regulations 501(c)(3) to serve as the philanthropic arm of the community college system.

The Foundation was established to develop the resources to empower for success the diverse students and communities serves by the five Alamo Colleges (San Antonio College, St. Philip's College, Palo Alto College, 西北维斯塔学院和东北湖景学院), 通过为奖学金筹集慈善资金来提高该地区学生成功的能力, 项目和学生的成功. In addition, 十大网赌正规网址官网基金会每年管理大约300个捐赠和非捐赠奖学金.

投资十大网赌正规网址官网基金会可以帮助学生坚持下去,并以更高的比率毕业, 能提高整个圣安东尼奥的生活质量吗.

Alamo Colleges serve as the growth engine for the Greater San Antonio region — helping men and women get the education and workforce training they need to move ahead in their careers, 为自己和家人创造更好的生活. 提供400多种高等教育, STEAM和其他劳动力培训项目, 十大网赌正规网址官网区使我们多元化的社区获得成功. And 十大网赌正规网址官网基金会 can be thought of as a social service agency by helping to further access to higher education, 哪一个是消除贫困的关键,并能使我们的居民成为有生产力的公民.







In 2018, The Alamo Colleges District became the first community college system to be awarded the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. 我们的四所学院也被阿斯彭研究所评为美国150强社区学院.S. 其中一个是阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖的决赛选手.


  • 东北湖景学院(NLC)是最新的十大网赌正规网址官网, 成立于2007年,提供三个学位, the Associate of Arts, 教学副学士, 和科学副会长.

    These three degrees include a coherent course of study compatible with the College’s mission to provide a general education core of 42 semester credit hours and 18 semester elective credit hours from inventories of courses that will allow students to transfer to upper-division institutions. 虽然学生将从一系列课程中选择完成所需的学分, the three degrees rest on advising or transfer guides designed to assist students in selecting courses in their planned course of study once they transfer.

    NLC offers a broad range of educational opportunities for the student whose goal is to transfer to a four-year institution. Degree plans or optional electives are available for all associate degrees; these degree plans provide students with course selections to facilitate transfer to academic programs at four-year institutions. NLC’s degree programs represent a series of courses comprised of a 42-hour state-mandated core and 18 hours of additional coursework, 根据学生兴趣和转学院校而定.

  • 西北远景学院成立于1995年. 学生可以在NVC学习广泛的科目,它提供文学副学士(a.A.), 理学副学士(AS), 教学副学士(AAT), 应用科学副学士, 竣工证书, 和市场技能奖.

    Enrolled students also have the option to take courses that are transferable to many institutions of higher education. The college has several articulation agreements with nearby universities such as the University of Texas at San Antonio, 德克萨斯州立大学圣马科斯分校, 以及道成肉身的大学. These 2+2 articulation agreements serve to facilitate the admission and academic transfer of students from participating Community Colleges like NVC to a participating four-year college or university within the state of Texas.

    The current 西北维斯塔学院 catalog consists of a 46-hour core curriculum mandated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). The THECB requires all public colleges and universities in Texas to instill at least 42 hours of core curriculum studies into a student’s degree plan. 通过完成雷士的核心课程, students may transfer to any public institution in Texas without the worry of loss of credit in the transfer process. 学生只要修完核心课程,满意的课程就会以块的形式转学.

    The student will not be required to take any more core courses at the transfer institution unless the THECB has approved a more extensive core curriculum at that institution.

  • 帕洛阿尔托学院, established in 1985, 吸引了来自整个贝尔县和邻近县的学生.

    入学人数的增加促进了身体的增长, specifically through the construction of new facilities for added classroom space and sports and recreation. The college provides several logistics and supply chain management education and training programs at the associate degree and certificate levels.

    In December of 2020, the 十大网赌正规网址官网基金会 received a $20M gift in unrestricted dollars to Palo Alto College from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. This generous, 不请自来的礼物是十大网赌正规网址官网收到的最重要的礼物. Ms. Scott’s team responsible for choosing gift recipients identified Palo Alto College as having “high potential for impact.”

  • St. 菲利普学院(SPC)成立于1898年,目前服务超过11个,超过70个不同的学术和技术学科的000名学生.

    As the only college in the country to have a designation of both a Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) and Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), St. 菲利普学院的主要部门包括艺术和科学, 应用科学与技术, 和卫生专业.

    学生可以获得副学士学位, Associate of Science, 或应用科学副学士学位, 这取决于学习的主要领域. Many departments offer one-year certificate programs designed for concentrated study in specific subject areas and rapid entry into the job market.

    The 应用科学与技术 division offers coursework in unique high-demand career and technical fields, 比如飞机技术, 诊断性医学超声, Construction Trades, 电气与动力传输, 多式联运, 制造工程技术, plus many more. St. 菲利普学院通过其远程学习中心提供200多个在线课程. 课程范围从会计学、病理生理学到网页设计.

  • San Antonio College (SAC) was established in 1925 and serves the Bexar County community by providing high-quality general education, 文科和理科, career education, continuing education, 发展教育.

    In December 2007, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board awarded San Antonio College a rating of “exemplary” for seven of its academic programs. However, in January 2008, 欧洲央行修改了评级,加入了其他项目,使总数达到11个.

    获得这一称号的11个专业是企业管理, computer-aided design, dental assisting, radio-TV and film, nursing education, finance, 以及财务管理, medical assisting, mortuary science, 美国手语/翻译培训, public administration, and real estate. 这一评级意味着所有11个项目都超过了该州要求的卓越教育标准.

    San Antonio College was designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in cyber defense by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. The designation represented a recognition of significant contributions in meeting the national demand for cyber defense education, 培养网络防御专家, 并最终为保护国家信息基础设施做出贡献.

    根据教育科学研究所, San Antonio college currently has a 14% graduation rate and 61% transfer-out rate when given 150% of the time needed to complete an associate degree for full-time, 第一次攻读学位的学生. 在两万多名在校生中,只有18%是全日制学生.




Phil Bakke, Chair* 

W. 温德尔·霍尔,副主席*





Hall Hammond,董事会荣誉成员

Lisa Andrade Gonima

Ken Applegate

Raquel Cardenas

David D. Christian

Dr. David Johnson

Laura Linhart-Kistner

Norma Reyes

Dr. Kate Rogers

Shawn Seaberg

Sloan Thomas

Dr. 行政发展局局长(当然委员)

Barton T. Simpson (Ex-Officio)

*Executive Committee


Barton T. Simpson
Executive Director 
Leticia Ramirez
Executive Assistant 

Dr. Jose Rios

Marcos Contreras
Database & Reporting Manager 

Erin Miranda

Cindy Sullivan

Deborah M. Martin

Richard Farias

Jan Mundine

Franchesca Velten  

Nina B. Wright

Gaston Cantu

Amy Carcanagues

Sofia Ongay
Scholarship Systems & Reporting Manager 

Evelyn Campos


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