


在圣安东尼奥南部出生长大, Gabriella Valdez had a unique career goal of becoming a Science Technology and Weaponry Analyst for the federal government. 从麦科勒姆高中毕业后, she decided to study applied mathematics and biology at 帕洛阿尔托学院 to begin her journey to her dream job. 对许多人来说,这似乎是一个遥远的目标, Valdez is making a reality by combining her academic interests with her love of languages and curiosity about different cultures.

今年春天,瓦尔迪兹被授予2019年大卫L. 博伦奖学金, 一个全部付讫, year-long experience awarded to undergraduate students looking to invest in language skills and cultural knowledge of countries underrepresented in traditional study-abroad programs, 特别是那些与国家安全有关的. 在851名申请者中,瓦尔迪兹是仅有的244名获奖者之一.

“我为此付出了很多努力. 我研究了很多,所以感觉很光荣. It's an opportunity for me to expand my career and my personal growth,瓦尔迪兹说. "I knew they were looking for a student who is dedicated and open, 谁做的研究, 谁愿意努力帮助国家安全. 我很高兴终于确定了自己的职业道路."

她在为下一阶段的旅程做准备, Valdez is honored by being one of only a few community college students – and the first student from 帕洛阿尔托学院 – to be selected as a 博伦奖学金 recipient.

"This program is extremely competitive and is typically geared toward students from the four-year sector... This kind of study-abroad program will forever change her view on the world, 她如何看待自己, 以及她如何看待她的国家. It will broaden her lens in a way that only travelling abroad can and will make her future opportunities exponentially increase,凯瑟琳·多斯说, 学院服务临时副总裁. "This award is yet another testament to how tremendous and accomplished our students are, and how 帕洛阿尔托学院 supports our students in dreaming big and achieving even bigger together."

Valdez was awarded the African Flagship Languages Initiative scholarship, 受助人有机会学习法语, 葡萄牙语, 斯瓦希里语, 阿坎人, 或非洲西部或南部的狼人. 瓦尔迪兹要去塞内加尔, where she will learn the Wolof language and interact directly with the people and culture.

"I chose to study Wolof and travel to Senegal because it's one of the languages that not a lot of people choose, 我还挺喜欢的,瓦尔迪兹说. "Experiencing their culture is going to broaden how I view culture and religion. It's also a developing country, so it'll change my view on life as well. It'll make me value and appreciate what I have here [in the United States]."

瓦尔迪兹将首先前往佛罗里达大学, where she will begin an intensive program to learn Wolof before her transition to Senegal. 在佛罗里达度过了一个夏天之后, she will spend nine months in Senegal immersing herself in the country.

根据他们的国际经验, Boren recipients must commit to an internationally focused internship with the federal government. Valdez will be putting her new language and experience to the test as she interns in Senegal immediately following the learning program.

"I'm getting an internship after completing this program, so it's really setting me up,瓦尔迪兹说. 即使没有实习机会, 我将永远有这样的经历, 另外,还可以学习一门全新的语言. 能来塞内加尔我很兴奋."

"The value of one of our students taking advantage of this opportunity is priceless. This type of awards program represents an enormous opportunity for students,范吉·韦莱斯-科布说, 西班牙语助理教授, who sponsored Valdez's application and helped her through the process. "Careers in these government agencies may seem a far reach for our students at 帕洛阿尔托学院, but when I present the [博伦奖学金] program to students, I let them know that anyone can apply and [be selected] if desire, 努力, 坚持不懈."

这段经历不仅影响了瓦尔迪兹, but it will also allow her to share her experiences and knowledge with her friends, 家庭, 和同龄人. She is excited to promote cultural diversity and inspire bold moves toward personal growth in others.

“回来, 与他人公开谈论(我的经历), and telling people to go expand themselves and be more diverse is important to me. 是的, we can get diversity from another university; but to go to another country, 成为他们文化的一部分, 让自己融入这些人是很不一样的,瓦尔迪兹说. “很多人(不)经常旅行, and I really want our generation and future generations to continue talking to others. 当你与人交谈时,你作为一个人在学习和成长."